Wednesday, January 26, 2011

We have this puzzle

And all I want to say about it this:  This perverse child's toy has two features.  The batteries last for.e.ver, much longer than any other batteries you will have ever seen, and it is also acutely sensitive to light.  Should you lose a rooster, say, or even a cat or a duck, and should you have taken the precautionary measure of tucking it under your bed inside a box, prepare to be annoyed.  When the light changes, the rooster will crow.  If the sun goes behind a cloud, the cat will mew.  Let someone walk past your bed in the middle of the night, and the horse will go off.  If you're thinking of getting a new puzzle, I would recommend avoiding this one.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Dinner tonight...

...was super-gourmet: cheese toast with jam, and fried eggs on the side.  Can't get much simpler than that, right?